'전체 글'에 해당되는 글 194건

  1. 2008.08.20 이현일 선수~^^
  2. 2008.08.18 Nothing is eternal...
  3. 2008.08.14 Way to go~~!! Korean asthletes!
  4. 2008.08.03 Today == Present
♣소소한 일상♣2008. 8. 20. 00:32

사용자 삽입 이미지

아~ 이현일 선수 넘 멋있으셔ㅠㅠ
소박해 보이고 선한 인상이 넘 좋당~♥ 아흥~조아조아~
배드민턴도 정말 잘하시구..
이 선수 경기하는 모습 보구 배드민턴의 매력에 푹~ 빠져버렸다..
어렸을 때 한 두번 쳐본 기억밖엔 없지만,, 운동도 할겸
약수터 배드민턴 이제 곧 시작하리다... 허허..
(사실 제대로 배워보고 싶다..^^;;)

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/in Eng.2008. 8. 18. 22:20

I was young, I had thought everything around me would not change. But, as I'm  getting older, I became to notice that is not true. Whenever I was happy or delightful, I hoped that this pleasure would be eternal. Also as I was sad or angry, I just prayed  this unbearable situation to be finished. But all the situations were instant.

 Happiness, fury, sadness, delight, feeling about the other sex, youth and so on are not eternal. Where there is a meeting, there is a seperation and there is another meeting.
Even if we are millionaire, we can't take it when we die.

 Following poem is What though life conspire to cheat you written by Aleksandr Pushkin. Through this poem, Pushkin tells us if we wouldn't take the true nature of life existing all feelings, we can't help but loosing balance of life. Like this poem, there is
not something everlasting.

                      What though life conspire to cheat you
                                                                                Aleksandr Pushkin

What though life conspire to cheat you,
Do not sorrow or complain.
Lie still on the day of pain,
And the day of joy will greet you.

Hearts live in the coming day.
There's an end to passing sorrow.
Suddenly all flies away,
And delight returns tomorrow.

Anyway, Nothing is eternal. All of that is just memory of our childhood.

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/in Eng.2008. 8. 14. 23:49
These days, the Olympic game is helading in Bejing.  Lots of Korean asthletes
are doing their best, winning medals and making an new record. Even though I can't
cheer them in Beijing, I'm hoping they will have a nice game rather than anyone
in Korea.

 During the game, I was dissatisfied with three broadcasting stations that didn't show a ceremony of awarding prizes of astheletes who did win silver or bronze medals.
Also their news didn't get a big writeup in the newspapers.

 This is unfair!!! I can't understand such actions of press.Whenever I saw many atheletes who were crying not for winning gold medals, my heart was broken. This is
the thing that come from the flow of paying attention to first grade. Of couse, I understand the reason why they have practiced for many years is to be a world's best player. Their feeling is same thing as my own that I looked forward to be a first grade in the test.

 But I think color of medals and records do not matter. The important thing is our astheletes' efforts. Taking part in a game is very meaningful in itself. Even if they don't
win the medals, they will get something important. I just hope for our astheletes do their
best with passion. That' it...   :)

Way to go~~!!

Our splendid Korean asthletes!!! :-)
Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/in Eng.2008. 8. 3. 00:34

esterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
But, today is a gift.

That is why we call it the present.

Posted by 클로버,,