♣영어♣/news2008. 11. 27. 10:46

 This is the one they have been lining up for. Thousands of people are trekking to this remote spot in Nepal to meet and be blessed by the teen who they believe is the reincarnation of the Buddha. Followers say this 18-year-old has been meditating without food or water for three years and once spent months sitting under a tree without moving.
 Now he spends his time blessing all comers by lightly tapping them on the head and hands. Believers say it is the touch of divine. This man says after he was touched, he got the urge to change his life, while this woman says she felt overwhelmed in his presence.
 Still others are doubting. Some scholars say, it takes more than meditating without food to prove he is the reincarnation of the Buddah. The teen himself has not spoken out about the matter, but is expected to address his followers nextweek before heading back into the jungle for more meditations.

Ed Donahue, The Associated Press
* trek : (천천히 또는 고생하며) 여행하다, 전진하다, 이주하다[to], 먼길을 가다
* reincarnation :. 재생, 환생, 화신, 영혼 재생설
* Buddah : 부처, 석가모니
* tap on : ~을 가볍게 두드리다
* divine : 신성한, 신의, 신성

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