♣영어♣/news2009. 2. 28. 14:54

 Hillary Clinton is in Asia for her inagural trip abroad as the nation's top diplomat. (힐러리 국무장관의 말)
"I have come to Asia as my first trip as Secretary of state to convey that America's relationships across the
Pacific are indispensable to addressing challenges and seizing the opportunities of the 21 century." 

 Clinton arrived in Tokyo on Monday. She will also visit Indonesia, South Korea and China. Clinto says the Obama
administration wants to broaden the US-Asia relationship and focus on issues like climate change and worldwide
economic crisis. (힐러리 국무장관의 말) "Its foundation has been, and always will be, a commitment to our
shared security and prosperity." But we also know that we have to work together to address the global financial
crisis which is affecting all of us."

 However Clinton's message is in danger of being overshadowed by north Korea, which is vowing to press ahead with
testing what are believe to be long-range missiles. Clinton will meet with families of Japanese citizens kidnapped
by North Korea in the 1970s and 1980s.

Julie Pace, The Associated Press


* indispensable to : 절대로 빼놓을 수 없는, 없어서는 안 되는, 필수의, 긴요한[to, for].
* commitment : 공약
* overshadow : <비유적> …의 모습을 희미하게 하다, …을 못해 보이게 하다.
* vow : 맹세하다, 서약하다; 단언하다
* press ahead with : ...을 밀어붙이다, 강행하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 2. 21. 14:19

 A day after this, Chinese investigators are on the prowl, looking into who exactly is to blame. The unfinished,
520-foot Mandarin Oriental hotel went up in spectacular flames Monday night as a fireworks display went awry.
One firefighter was killed battling in the blaze.

 Officials now say China Central Television was behind the display. Officials there say they hired a company to
set off hundreds of large fireworks as part of the lunar new year celebration. They say it was supposed to be
set off in an open area beside the hotel, however video showed spectacular bursts of fireworks just above the top
of the building.

 The fireworks were also clssified as grade A meaning, CCTV was supposed to get a special permit to set them off in
the downtown area. However officials say organizers never bothered with the paperwork and ignored police warnings.
CCTV has apologized. Still, it's too soon to say how much damage was done to the structure of if it can be salvaged
or must be torn down.

Dianne Kepley, The Associated Press


* on(or upon) the prowl :(먹이 따위를 찾아) 배회하며, 몰래 찾아다녀
                        : prowl - 배회하다, 거닐다, 답사하다
* be to blame : (~에 대하여) 책임이 있다[for], ~이 나쁘다
* fireworks display : 불꽃 놀이 대회
* unfinished : 완성[완료, 종료, 완결]되지 않은, 미완성의.
* foot :  피트, 복합 형용사에서는 a five-foot-high wall처럼 단수로 쓰는 것이 보통.
* go [or run, tread] awry : 실패하다; (예측 따위에서) 벗어나다, 틀어지다; 길을 잘못 들다.
* blaze : 불길, 화염, 화재, 불
* set off : …을 촉발[유발]하다; …을 폭발시키다
* grade A : (종종 G- A-) A급[클래스]의, 제1급의, 최고의(first-class).
* salvage : 재활용하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 2. 20. 12:57

 There are allegations of steroid use about one of baseball's power hitters who many consider to be the top player
in the game. Sports Illustrated is reporting Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez, known as A-Rod, tested positive for
steroid using 2003. Magazine says it confirmed the result with four sources, and says when it approached Rodriguez,
he declined the answer, referring qustions to player's union instead.

 The magazine says Rodriguez was tested in 2003 when he was with the Texas Rangers, a year before he was traded
to the yankees. The results were to have been kept anonymous. When A-Rod was tested, there was no penalty for a
positive test. The Results came to light after federal agents raided steroid lab in California. The report about
Rodriguez comes against the backdrop of the upcoming trial of Barry Bonds, accused of lying about steroid use.

 This all comes as the Yankees are getting ready to start a brand new season in a brand new stadium. Rodriguez
has been making news for the last year off the field, first with his divorce, then his dalliances with Madonna.
Recently he has been called A-Fraud by his teammates, a revelation made in a new book by his former manager, Joe
Torre. And now, steroid allegaions.

Ted Shaffrey, The Associated Press, reported from Yankees Stadium in New York


* allegation : (충분한 증거가 없는) 주장, 탄원, 단언; (소송 당사자에 의한) 진술
* source : 취재원, 소식통
* decline : …을 거절하다
* trade : 〈스포츠〉 〔선수〕를 트레이드하다
* come to light : 밝혀지다
* raid : 수색하다
* against a[or the] backdrop of : …을 배경으로
                                : backdrop - 배경, 배경이되다
* dalliance : (남녀의) 희롱, 농탕, 염문, 스캔들

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 2. 17. 12:24

 In his first prime time news conference, President Barack Obama pressured lawmakers to approve a massive economic recovery bill. The President defended his emergency plan and said that if Congress fails to act quickly it could turn this crisis into a catastrophe.

 An out-of-work turck driver smile as he pleaded guilty to killing two people and wounding six others at a Tennessee
church last summer. Jim Adkisson  says he went on the shooting rampage because he consider the liberal church "a den of un-American vipers."

 New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez has admitted to using a banned substance serveral years ago while he was with the Texas Rangers. In an interview with ESPN, Rodriguez says he was naive and apologize repeatedly.

 And the public will soon be able to get a close up look at presidential history. The small, red bible used to swear
Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Barack Obama will go on rare public display to mark the 200th anniversary of the
16th President birth.

Sandy Kozel, The associated Press with AP News minute.


* prime time 저녁시간대의
* news conference 기자회견
* pressure 압력을 가하다, 압박하다
* lawmaker 의원, 국회의원
* approve 승인하다
* massive 막대한
* defend : (언론 따위에서) …을 옹호하다, 지지하다; …을 정당화하다
* catastrophe : 큰 재해, 재앙, 비극적 결말, 대실패
* out-of-work : 실직중인
* plead guilty : 유죄[책임]를 인정하다
* be[or go] on the[or a] rampage : 미친 듯이 날뛰다
                                 : rampage - 미친 듯이 날뛰기, 광폭[난폭]한 행위; 흥분 상태.
* liberal : 자유주의의
* den : 소굴
* un-American : 미국적이 아닌, 미국풍이 아닌; 비미(非美)의, 반미적인
* viper : 독사
* slugger : <미국 구어> (야구의) 강타자
* ESPN : <미국> Entertainment and Sports Programming Network(오락·스포츠 전문 케이블 TV 방송망)
* swear in 취임 선서하다
* rare 희귀한, 드문
* mark 기념하다

Posted by 클로버,,