From unprecedented numbers of law enforcement on land, to armed patrols in the air and on water Security
for Barack Obama's inauguration will be unparalleled. Add to that equation the historic swearing in of the
nation's first African American president, and you have one monumental and daunting security challenge. At
least 10,000 National Gardsmen will be on hand to control the event, joining some 8,000 police officers and
agents from the FBI and Park Police. All major bridges into the city will be closed to traffic, as well about
3.5 square miles of the downtown DC.
While there are no specific or credible threats to event, intelligent officials say they have to plan and
prepare as if there are. Officials anticipate up to 2 million people will embark upon Washington Tuesday
more than double the usual inaugural turnout. Those huge numbers make screening people and their belongings
a near impossible feat. Particularly in the outer perimeter areas, 13 security checkpoints will be set up to
screen all of those with seats lining the parade route.
For those gathering on the National Mall, police will rely on other methods: such as undercover agents and
bomb sniffing dogs, officers on horseback and round-the-clock surveillance through cameras mounted on
platforms and buildings. Security analysts say the Secret Service is incredibly adept at protecting the
president. It's the unprecedented crowds that present the greatest concerns. There is one bright spot for
security officials this year: unlike with the inauguration in the past, there are no major protests or demonstrations scheduled to coincide with Obama's swearing in.
* patrol : 순찰, (일정한 구역·도로 따위를) 순회하다, 순찰하다
* unparalleled : 비길 데 없는, 유례 없는, 전대 미문의[in]
* equation : 평형 상태, 방정식, 동일시함
* swear in :【동사】 선서 취임하다[시키다]
* monumental 기념비적인, 굉장한
* daunting : 겁을 먹게 하는, 어마어마한
: daunt - 기를 죽이다, ~을 위압하다
* on hand : 가까이에
* guardsman : 《고어》 파수꾼, 감시원; 보초, 위병(sentry)
* agent : 요원, 스파이, 대리인
* close to 명사: …을 폐쇄[봉쇄]하여 영업[사용]을 중지[금지]하다[to]
* embark upon : [사업에] 착수하다, 나서다
* turnout : (박람회·구경·투표 따위에) 몰려나온 사람들, 《집합적》 (집회의) 출석자(수), 회중
* screening : 가리기, 심사, 선발
* feat : (눈부신) 위업, 공적, 업적, 과제
* perimeter : (어떤 지역의) 경계선, <수학>(평면 도형의) 주변, 주위; 주변의 길이
* undercover agent [man] : 첩보원, 스파이, 비밀요원
: undercover - 비밀리에 하는, 은밀한; 스파이 활동의, 비밀 수사관[경찰]
* sniff : 냄새를 맡다
* round-the-clock : 주야겸행(晝夜兼行)의, 24시간 연속의(around-the-clock), 끊임없이, 죽~
* surveillance : 감시, 파수 보기, 감독, 지휘
* mount on: ~을 ~에 설치하다
* adept : 숙련된, 뛰어난, 정통한[in, at]
* coincide with : 동시에 일어나다