♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 20. 15:16

 Britain's Prince Harry has issued a public apology. That's after a British tabloid newspaper posted this
video from 2006. Harry can be heard using offensive and racist language while walking around this airport
departure lounge with other officer cadets. The men were waiting to fly to Cyprus for training exercises.
In another clip Harry can be heard using a derogatory term for another cadet wearing a headscarf.

 The paper said the video was shot by other cadet and supplied to the newspaper. "If this was in the private
sector or in any other walk of life, certainly the person would have been disciplined for making such remarks.
It is now acceptable. A spokesman for Harry said that the prince was sorry for his remarks and added they
were not intended to insult people of Pakistani origin.

"The palace have said that the "paki" remark was actually a nickname for Ahmed who was one of his squad and
the "rag head" remark is something that is said often in army circles. But it doesn't really excuse, his
words.I am sure that many people up and down the country and around the world really will find them offensive.

"Britan's Defense Ministry says no complaint was raised against Harry. In 2005, Harry apologized after being
pictured in a newspaper at a costume party dressed as a Nazi. The British royal is in Army lieutenant in the
Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals and served with the Army in Afghanistan for 10 weeks last year.  

Sandy Kozel, The Associated Press

* issue  : 발행하다, 지급하다
* cadet : 《美》 사관 학교 생도, 사관 후보생(*해군의 경우는 midshipman)
* lounge : 라운지, 휴게실
* derogatory : 경멸적인
* racist : 민족주의의, 인종 차별의, 민족주의자, 인종 차별주의자
* all walk of life : 온갖 계층의 사람들
                     (walk of life 신분, 계급, 지위, 직업)
* discipline for : ~에 대해 징계하다
* remark : 말, 의견, 비평
* paki : 《英속어·경멸적》(영국 및 영연방 거주의) 파키스탄 사람
* squad : (군대의) 분대, 반
* excuse : ~을 용서하다, 변명, 핑계, 구실
* Minisry : 부
* lieutenant : 〈英육군〉 중위
* Household Cavalry : 근위기병대
* royal : 《구어》 왕족의 한 사람
           왕실의, 국왕[여왕]의

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 16. 12:13

 The son of actor John Travolta will likely be buried in Florida according to a family lawyer. 16-year-old
Jett Travolta died in the Bahamas after apparently having a seizure hitting his head at the family's vacation
home. A caretaker found Jett unconscious in the bathroom late in the morning. He was taken by ambulance
to a hospital in Freeport where he was prnounced dead.

 The teenager had a history of seizures. The Travoltas said Jett became sick when he was 2 years old diagnosed
with an illness causing the inflammation of blood vessels in young children. John Travolta's wife blamed
house hold cleaners and fertilizers starting a detoxification program.

 (트라볼타 가족 변호사의 말) "This is a sad day for the people of the Bahamas. It's a sad day for the people
in America and around world. And it is probably the worst day in the life of Mr. and Mrs. Travolta." Jett
was the oldest child of Travolta and his wife, actress Kelly Preston. They also have an eight-year-old daughter.

Lee Powell, The Associated Press

* apparently : 겉보기에는, 외관상으로는
* seizure : <convulsion, paroxysm> 발작, 발병
          : have a seizure 발작하다
* caretaker : 관리인
* inflammation : 의료 염증.
               : cause (an) inflammation 염증을 일으키다
               : a mild inflammation 가벼운 염증
* detoxification : 해독

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 15. 12:55

  Already a cancer survivior Apple founder Steve Jobs is now being treated for a hormone imbalance that has
caused him to lose significant weight in recent month. Jobs, who is 53 said his thinness had been a mystery
even to him and his doctor until a few weeks ago. He said it was then the sophisticated blood test confirm
that he has a hormone imblance that has been robbing his body of necessary protein.

 Job added that he has already started treatment, which is said to be relatively simple and straightforward.
Concern about Job's health intensified when Apple announced that Jobs would not deliver the keynote address
at Tuesday's session of the Macworld Conference in San Franciso. It was at the same Conference in 2007 that
Jobs introduced the I-Phone. However, Monday's news about Apple's CEO sent company's stocks soaring more
than four percent.

 Job's health is important issue for Apple because of the company's decade-long success which Jobs has
presided over. It was in 2004 that Jobs announced he had undergone successful surgery to treat a rare form
of pancreatic cancer. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple back in 1976. Jobs left the company in
1985 only to return in 1997 for rescuing the company from financial ruin.

Brian Thomas, The Associated Press

* imbalance : 〈의학〉 (근육·내분비선의) 불균형 상태
* sophisticated : 정밀한, 섬세한
* straightforward : 단순한, 솔직한, 정직한, 똑바른, 직접의
* intensify : 증대하다, ~을 증대하다
* deliver : 메시지를 전하다
          : deliver[give, make] an address - 연설하다
* kenote address : 기조 연설(기본 취지나 정책·방향 등을 밝히는 연설)
                 : keynote - (정책 따위의) 기조, 기본 방침; (연설 따위의) 골자, 주안점, 요지
                           -〔정당 따위〕의 기본 방침을 발표하다; (연설 따위에서) …을 강조하다
* decade-long : 10년에 걸친, 10년 동안의
* preside over : 주인역을 맡다, 의장을 맡다, 사회를 보다, 주재하다, ~을 감독하다
* undergo surgery : 수술을 받다
                  : undergo -  …을 받다, 겪다, 경험하다, …을 견디다, 참다.
* rare : 드문, 진기한, 희한한; 드물게 발생하는
* pancreatic : 췌장의

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 14. 13:29

 Russia shut off all gas supplies to Europe through Ukraine on Wednesday leaving more than a dozen countries
scrambling to cope. Tens of thousands of people, mostly in Bulgaria, are without gas for heating.
"Well it is very serious, and it will get more serous before it gets better. We have a prolonged cold snap."
Russia and Ukraine blamed each for the cut off. The E.U. accused both nations of using consumers as pawns.
Both have since agreed to let international monitors track transport.

 "Russia wishes more than economic success. It wishes influence, political influence, particularly in what
it sees in zones of privileged interests." Russian and Ukrainian talks borke down last month. Ukrainian
pipelines transport about 80 percent of Russia's gas exports to Europe. Russia wants to charge its cold
war ally more for the energy provides. Ukraine countered that proposal by threatening to raise Russia's
fees for using Ukraine pipelines.

 "Where military means are not possible, not feasible, then enery is the primary weapon which the Russians
can deploy." Schools and kindergartens are temporarily closed down. A Bosnian gas operator says the
situation is close to a humanitarian disaster. E.U leaders demand that Russia and Ukrain settle the dispute
immediately. The two countries are expected to restart talks on Thursday.

Dianne Kepley, The Associated Press.

* leave + 목 + ing : ~을 (어떤상태가) 되게 하다, 내버려두다, 방치하다
* scramble to : ~하려고 애쓰다
* cope : 대처하다
* prolonged : 질질 끄는, 장기의(long)
* a cold snap : 갑작스런 추위
              : snap - 기후의 급변
* pawn : 전당(잡힌 상태), 저당물, 담보물, 인질, 볼모, ~을 저당잡히다, 담보로 넣다
* track : 추적하다, 감시하다
* privileged : 특권 계급에 속하는; (…할) 특권[특전]이 있는[to do]
* break down : 결렬되다
* pipeline : (물·석유·가스 따위의) 수송관, 도관로(導管路)
* charge : ~에 부과하다
* counter by : …로 대항하다, 반격하다
* feasible : 실현 가능한, 실행할 수 있는
* deploy : 효율적으로 활용하다, 전개하다, 배치하다
* settle : ~을 매듭짓다, 안정시키다
* dispute : 논쟁, 분쟁, 논쟁하다

Posted by 클로버,,