♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 23. 15:26

 Police say the Indiana businessman accused of faking his own death is alive and in custody in Florida.
Authorities believe Marcus Schrenker let his plane crash and apparently parachuted to safety allegdly as part
of a plot to escape his personal and financial trouble.

 Hillary Clinton is rejecting Republican calls for more information about donors to her husband's foundation.
During her daylong confirmation hearing, Clinton told members of the Foreign Relations Commitee that she has
revealed more than enough information to avoid any conflict with her potential role as Secretary of State.
The Senate is expected to approve her  next week.

 A California man has been accused of trying to sell his 14 year old daughter into an arranged marriage for
16,000 dollars, a 100 cases of beer and several cases of meat. The teen is now in state protective custody
and a criminal investiation is under way.

 It's a dream come true for these Atlanta students. They are headed to the nation's capital to perform a song
they worte about Obama's victory at several inaugural balls. The students became Internet sensations when
their election song hit the web last fall.

Brian Thomas, The Associated Press with AP News minute

* custody : 감금, 보관, 구치, 보호
          : in custody - 구류되어, 감금되어
* apparently : 겉보기에는, 외관상으로는
* parachute : 낙하산으로 강하하다, 강하시키다 낙하산
* allegedly : 《문장 수식》 (진위는 모르나) 주장하는 바에 따르면, 들리는 바에 의하면
* donor : 기증자, 기부자
* confirmation hearing : 인준 청문회
* Foreign Relations Commitee : 《美》 상원 외교 위원회(약어 FRC)
* the Secretary of State : (the ~) 국무장관
* nomination : 지명, 임명
* arranged marriage : 중매 결혼
* under way : (계획 따위가) 진행중에[의]
* inaugural : 취임(식)의
* ball : 무도회, 댄스파티

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