The lots should not be this full. At the port of Long Beach, the cars should be headed to dealers across
california. Instead they are sitting in the sun getting weathered. (롱 비치 항 대표자의 말)"Well what we
are seeing here is a really visual representation of the downturn in the economy. Toyota, Nissan and
Mercedes Benz all bring their inventories here. All three have options to lease more storage space for
imported cars just brought off the boat.
(롱 비치 항 대표자의 말) "The car dealerships are not doing well. We are seeing a lot of stories about
a lot of problems and challenges there at the car dealerships and this is where we are seeing it from
the first prospective is this backlog here on the docks." The port says 150-200 cars can fit in one acre.
This is a ten-acre spillover lot Mercedes Benz rents, so that's 1500 to 2000 cars going nowhere fast.
And the company plans on renting 10 more acres to store vehicles.
Toyota, which has its American headquarters close by, says of course they would like to get those motors
moving. (토요타 자동차 판매원의 말)"You know it really should not come as a surprise that the auto
industry is experiencing the most challenging times it had in the last quarter century. So you know
inventories are on the rise everywhere. And you know we are not immune to that." Meaning if the wheel
are not turning out of this lot, the automakers are not making money.
John Mone the Associated Press, Long Beach California.
* lot : 하치장, 주차장
* weather : 풍화되다, 비바람을 맞다
* visual : 시각적인
* representation : 상징, 표현
* downturn : (경기의) 하강, 침체
* Mercedes-Benz : 《상표》 메르세데스 벤츠, 벤츠(독일 Daimler-Chrysler사제 승용차)
* inventory : 재고
* option : 선택권
* lease = rent : 임대하다
* dealership : 판매상, 딜러
* perspective 관점, 모습, 전망
* from the first prospective : 첫 눈에
* backlog : 재고, 잔량, (주문이 미처리인 채)쌓이다
* dock : 부두
* spillover : 넘치는
* headquarters : 본부 활동의 중심지, 본거지, 본국
* close-by : 바로 곁에 있는, 지척의
* immune : 면역이 있는, 영향을 받지 않는