♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 15. 12:17

 New violence in Greece Tuesday sparked by the funeral for a 15-year old boy. Hundreds of teenage
protesters have pelted police with rocks and scuffled with officers in front of Parliament. A Socialist
leader called for early elections, saying the conservative government can no loger defend the public from

 The funeral of Alexandros Grigoropoulos was held in a seaside suburb of Athens Tuesday, far from the
demonstrations. More than three thousand mourners, many of them teenagers, gathered to pay their last
. The circumstances surrounding the shooting are unclear, but two officers involved have been
arrested. One has been charged with murder and the other as an accomplice. A coroner's report shows the
boy was shot in the chest.

 Schools and universities across the Greece were closed and hundreds of teachers, university lecturers
and students rallied in central Athens. Protesters also briefly entered the building housing the Greece
consulate in Paris. They carried a banner saying "the state kills".
Commentators say the growing hostility by young Greeks toward authority is fed by public discontent over
low wages, frequent public corruption sacdals and a strong historic distrust of government.

Matt Friedman, The Associated Press

* spark : 촉발 시키다
* pelt : 던지다
* scuffle : 난투하다, ~와 맞붙어 싸우다[with]
* Parliament : 국회, 의회
* Socialist : 사회당원s
* the public :《집합적; 보통 단·복수 양용》국민, 민중, 대중; 세상, 사회.
* rioter : 폭도
* seaside : 바닷가
* suburb ; 교외
* pay one's last respects : (장례식에서 고인에게) 마지막 고별을 하다[to], 장례식에 참석하다
* be charged with ~ : ~의 혐으로 기소되다
* accomplice : 공범[연루]자
* coroner : 검시관
* rally : 집회를 열다, 규합하다
* briefly : 잠시, 얼마 동안
* consulate : 영사관
* banner : (국가·군대·단체 등의) 기(旗)
* commentator : 해설자, 뉴스 평론가
* hostility : 적의, 적개심


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