♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 16. 13:50

 Detroit automakers may be getting an early much needed Christmas gift from Washington. The White House and Democratic lawmakers have reached a preliminary deal that  would provide 15 billion dollars in government loans to the Big 3. But that money would come with strings attached. A major part of the deal, the companies would have to answer to an all-power car czar appointed by President Bush. That fedral overseer would be responsible for handing out short-term loans and making sure the companies restructure themselves for the future. 
 The congressional proposal would give automakers until next Markch to lay out detailed plans on everything from paying back the government, stremlining costs and intruducing new vehicles. If the overseer does not think they're doing their best,  the fedral funding could be yanked back. The deal on the table isn't the one car executives were hoping for when they first went to Capitol Hill asking for money last month, but the agreement would come just in the nick of time.

 GM has said it needs 4 billion dollars by the end of the month just to survive. Chrysler is looking for 7 billion to avoid cash flow problems next year. And while Ford says it doesn't need the short-term help, the company wants to be eligible for 9 billion dollars just in case one of its competitors fails.  The measure is not a done deal. It still needs the approval of congressional Republicans.

Brian Thomas, The Associated Press 
* Detroit : 미국 미시간주(州)의 최대도시.
              세계 자동차공업의 중심도시로 알려져 있다. 즉, 제너럴모터스 ·포드 ·크라이슬러 등 3대 자동차회사의 주력공장이
              이 지역에 집결해 있다.
* automaker : 자동차 제조업자[회사]
* preliminary :  예비의, 임시의
* string : 부대조건
* czar :  황제
* overseer : 감독관
* hand out : 분배하다
* restructure :  구조조정을 하다
* congressional :  의회의
* pay back : 상환하다
* lay out : [계획]을 입안하다
* streamline :  합리화하다
* yank : 잡아당기다, 빼앗다
* Capitol Hill : 의회
* on the table : 검토 중인
* in the nick of time : 꼭 알맞은 때에
* eligible :  자격이 있는
* measure : 조치

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