Once again nature may provide a possible solution in the fight against disease. Researcher in Austailia
have found that an extract found in grape seed can prevent the build-up of proteins in the brains of mice.
What's significant is these mice have Alzheimer's disease.
(연구자의 말) "So what we found was that the level of damage to DNA which is a fundamental cause of
accelerated aging and degenerative diseases was reduced by including grape seed extract in the diet of
these mice." Scientists found the mice also had a 50 percent reduction in brain cell damage.
(연구자의 말) "Phenolic compounds, natural phenolic compounds from the grape seed could contribute
significantly to diminishing the level of DNA damage in people and therefore reduce their risk for
diseases cased by DNA damage." While it could still be some time before grape extract can be recommended
for use in humans to prevent Alzheimer's. Thanks to these promising findings, researchres hope to start
human trials soon.
* extract : 추출물
* build-up : 증가
* accelrate : ~을 촉진하다
* aging(=ageing) : 노화
* degenerative : 퇴보하기 쉬운, 퇴행성의
: degenerative disease - 퇴행성 질환
* diet : 식사, 음식
* phenol : <화학> 페놀
* compound : 화합물
* contribute to ~ing : ~에 기여하다
* diminish : 감소시키다
* promising : 전도 유망한, 장래성이 있는, 전망이 좋은, 기대되는