♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 22. 17:47

 After a day of marathon meetings and private negotiations, U.S senators have failed to reach a deal
on legislation aimed that bailing out the cash strapped auto industry. Now the Detroit 3 may be left to
fend for themselves. GM and Chrysler have already said without the government's help, they are just weeks
away from collapse. (미 상원의원의 말) I'm gonna work as hard as I can, to convince the treasury secretary.
to take actions, to save these 3 million jobs that could be on the line. People play Russian roulette
with this recession tonight. We don't know what's gonna happen."

 The house passed the bill Wednesday that would give GM and Chrysler access to 14 billion dollars worth
of loans almost immediately. Those fedral funds would be distributed by a so-called car czar who would
have the authority to take the money back, if the companies weren't doing enough to restructure themselves. 

 But the bill faced a much tougher battle in the Senate. Lawmakers spent hours with representative from
the industry and the labor union on Thursday trying to salvage the rescue package. Ultimately they were
unable to meet some of the conditions Senate Republicans were calling for, conditions like wage and
benefit concession by the labor union. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid says, lawmakers won't consider an
auto industry bailout again until next year.

Raw Simpson, The Associated Press


* legislation : 법안, 입법
* strapped : (미국구어) 자금이 없어진
* fend : 꾸려나가다, 부양하다,
       : fend for (oneself) 자활하다, 혼자 힘으로 꾸려나가다.
* convince : 확신시키다, 납득시키다  
* be on the line : 위기에 처하다
* Russian roulette : 회전식 연발 권총의 여러 개의 약실 중 하나에만 총알을 넣고 총알의 위치를 알 수 없도록
                     탄창을 돌린 후, 참가자들이 각자의 머리에 총을 겨누고 방아쇠를 당기는 게임이다.
* so-called : 소위, 이른바, 흔히 일컫는
* restructure : 구조조정하다
* salvage : 구출하다
* concession : 양보
* Senate Majority leader : 상원 다수당 총무


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