♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 1. 16:17

 A bomb threat mailed to a Frech news organization tipped Paris to evacuate a major department store
where they eventually found a bundle of dynamite. A group demanding that France withdraw from Afghanistan
claimed responsibility. Christmas Shoppers were evacuated from the popular tourist destination.

 Police cordoned off the area as salon clients walked out the doors with products still on their hair.
Police eventually found five dynamite sticks tied together without a detonator in a men's restroom.
The Interior Minister says there was no risk of explosion. A group calling the itself Afghan Revolutionary
Front warned that there were several bombs in the store but only one was found.

 Officials say the group is "totally unknown" to police but they're still investigaing. The group demands
that France withdraw its troops from Afghanistan before the end of February, and threaten attacks if
France refuses. France has 2,800 troops in the war-torn country. President Nicolas Sarkozy quickly
stressed he would not bend to threats vowing not to compromise with terrorists.

Dianne Kepley, The Associated Press

* tip : ~에게 팁,정보를 주다
* evacuate : ~을 대피시키다
* cordon off : ~을 차단하다
* detonator : 기폭 장치
* The Interior Minister : 내무장관
* war-torn : 전쟁으로 파괴된[피폐한]
* vow to~ : ~할 것을 맹세하다

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