♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 2. 12:15

 The organizer of the 1994 Rwandan genocide that left more than half a million people dead has been
sentenced to life in prison. The United Nations court found Theoneste Bagosora guilty on Thursday.
(유엔 재판관의 말)"Colonel Bagosora is therfore guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and war
crimes." Two co-defendants also were found guilty.

 The judge said Bagosora used his position as former director of Rewand's Ministry of Defence to direct
Hutu soldiers to kill hundreds of thousands of Tutsis. (유엔 재판관의 말) "Considering the relevant
circumstances the chamber sentences Bagosora, Ntabakuze and Nsegiyumva to life imprisonment. The 100-day
slaughter was organized by the extremist Hutu government which was then in power. Government troops
went village to village butchering men, women and children.

 The violence followed the downing of the president's plane by still-unknown attackers as he returned
home from peace talks with Tutsi-led rebels. Bagosora was also found resposible for the deaths of the
former Rewandan Prime Minister and 10 Belgian peacekeepers. Human Rights Watch welcomed the United
Nations verdict.

The Associated Press

* organizer : 주모자, 주최자, 창설자, 설립자
* genocide : (특정 인종·민족의 계획적·조직적인) 대량 살육, 집단 학살
* find :〈법률〉 (배심[재판관]이) 평결[판결]을 내리다[for, against]
* co-defendant : 공동 피고
* the Ministry of National Defense : 국방부
* Hutu, Tutsis : 부족 이름
* relevant : 관련된
* chamber : 회의장, 의회(당)
* sentence to~ : ~의 판결을 내리다
              : ~ for - ~의 이유로 형에 처하다
* imprisonment : 투옥, 유치, 금고[징역]형, 감금
               : life imprisonment - 종신형
* slaughter : 1. (소·돼지 따위의) 도살
                  2. 학살, 살육; 대량 살인[학살]
* extremist : 1. 극단적인 사람; (특히 정치상의) 극단론자, 극단주의자, 과격주의자
                   2. 극단론(과격주의) 지지자
* butcher : 학살하다, 도살하다
* follow : ~의 뒤에 이어 일어나다
* rebel : 반군, 저항자, 반역자
* Belgian : 벨기에 인의
* peacekeepers : 평화 감시자, 평화유지군, 조정자, 중재인(meditator)
* Human Rights Watch : 인권 감시 단체
* verdict : 1. 〈법률〉 (배심원의) 평결, 답신(答申)
               2. (일반적으로) 판단, 판정, 심판; 의견[on, about]

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