♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 9. 13:19

 The call is getting louder and it's unclear whether governor Rod Blagojevich can hear them. "Let me
be absolutely clear. I do not think that the governor at this point can affectively serve the people of
Illinois. For the second day in a row, president elect Barack Obama is calling for the embattled Illinois
governor to resign. So are a host of other politicians and Illinoisans.

 The US Attorney' accusation that Blaojevich was trying to sell Illnois' open senate seat haunts Obama.
"I have never spoken to the governor on this subject. I'm confident that no representatives of mine would
have any part of any deals related to the seat." Lieutenant governor Patrick Quinn is calling for Blaojevich
to be impeached as soon as possible. Illinois legislatures have planned a special session for Monday to
begin the process.

 "Here in Illinois, as it's true I think across the country, there is a tradition of public service where
people are getting in it for the right reasons and to serve. But there is also a tradition where people
view politics as a business." Meanwhile, the Illinois governor has not said a word in public since Monday,
when he mocked the fact that his conversations were being recorded. So he remains the leader of the land
of Lincoln.
* in a row : 연속적으로, 잇따라, 일렬로
* resign : 사임[사직]하다, 퇴직하다
* embattled : 포위된, 곤경에 처한
* accusation : 비난
* haunt : ~을 괴롭히다
* lieutenant governor : 부지사
* impeach : 탄핵하다
* legislature : 《美》 주(州)의회
* session : 회기(개회로부터 폐회까지의 기간)
* mock : ~을 조롱하다, 비웃다

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