Pope Benedict the 16th marked the birth of Jesus with a traditional Christmans midnight mass at
St.Peter's Basilica. Delivering the homily in the Italian, the pope called on the faithful to help children who
are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers.
The pontiff did not specifically mention the sex abuse allegations that have plagued the Roman Catholic
church but he told followers that Jesus wants people to do everything they can to put an end to the
suffering of children. As he recalled the birth of Jesus, his thoughts turned to the Holy land and he
prayed for an end to the conflict between Israelis and the Palestinians.
Benedict is expected to make his first papal trip to the region in May. There was a minor disturbance
as the pope left St.Peter's Basilica. A person who had jumped barriers got close to the Catholic leader,
but he was quickly subdued by security. Vatican officials say they don't believe the man was armed.
Raw Simpson, The Associated Press
* Pope : 로마 교황
* mass : (종종 m-) 가톨릭〉 미사
* St.Peter : 성 베드로(그리스도 12사도 중의 하나)
* Basilica : 바실리카풍의 교회당[성당]
* deliver : 〔연설·설교〕를 하다
* homily : (종교적인) 설교
* call on : 부탁하다, 명하다
* the faithful : (보통 the ~) 《집합적·복수취급》 신자, (특히 기독교·회교의) 충실한 신자들
* pontiff : 교황, 고위 성직자
* abuse : 학대하다, 학대
* allegation : (충분한 증거가 없는) 주장, 탄원, 단언
* plague : 괴롭히다, 성가시게 하다
* papal : 교황의
* subdue : ~을 진압하다, 정복하다, ~에 이기다