♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 12. 15:15

 Israel says its ground forces are moving into Gaza escalating the week-old offensive against the
territory's militant Hamas leaders. A military commander says it will be a lengthy operation. Troops
started moving in after nightfall. Defense officials say around 10,000 troops have come to the border
in recent days.

 Israel's assault on Hamas militant in Gaza is now entering it's second week. Israeli warplanes and
gunboats blasting more than two dozen positions targeting weapons storage, training centers and homes
of leaders. Hamas has ruled this area since 2007. Israel launched its offensive on December 27th saying
it was responding to rocket fire from militants in Gaza. (이스라엘 외무부 장관의 말) "We have a fight
with Hamas not with the people of Gaza not with the Palestinian people."

 The operation has killed more than 430 Palestinians including civilians. Four Israelis have died and
rocket attacks continue deep into Israeli territory. The airstrikes have devastated Gaza knocking out
power and rasing concerns about a humanitarian crisis. Israel's moves are drawing protest in the Arab
like here on the west bank where protesters waved Palestinian flags and shouted anti-Israel slogans.

Lee Powell, The Associated Press

* escalate: 확대하다
* lengthy : 긴
* operation : 계획
* nightfall : 해질녘, 땅거미, 황혼
* gunboat :  포함(砲艦)
* blast : 폭파하다
* launch : 개시하다
* civilian : 민간인
* airstrike : 공중공격, 공습

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