His farewell address was a gesture of conciliation. Ending 8 years in power, George W.Bush spoke to his
critics as much as to his backers. (부시의 연설) "You may not agree with some of the tough decisions I have
made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions." Bush acknowledged setbacks
and controversy and things he'd do diffrently but said he always followed his conscience especially in deciding
how to battle those who struck on 911 and hope to do so again.
(부시의 연설) "There is legitimate debate about many of these decisions. But there can be little debate about
the results. America has gone more than 7 years without another terrorist attack on our soil." Yet this was a
reflective Bush, not combative telling an East Room audience and Americans watching and listening he's grateful
for the privilege of leading them. (부시의 연설) "I thank you for the prayers that have lifted my spirits. And
I thank you for the countless acts of courage, generosity and grace that I have witnessed these past 8 years."
He also sopke of the new day that dawns Tuesday when the first African-American President will take his place.
(부시의 연설) "Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose history reflects the enduring promise
of our land. This is a momemnt of hope and pride for our whole Nation." Bush says that handover, amidst the
turmoil of war and recession, speaks volumes. This brief address was meant as a final flourish, ringing down
the curtain on Bush's two tumultuous terms. The next time the president is heard and seen in public will be
the morning of the inauguration when he welcomes Barack Obama to his new home.
Mark Smith, Associated Press, White House
* conciliation : 달램, 위로; 회유; (쟁의의) 조정, 화해
우호[협력] 관계
* backer : 후원자, 원조자, 지지자
* setback : 좌절, 패배, 실패, 역행, 퇴보,
* legitimate : 합법의, 정당한, 적법한
* reflective : 생각에 잠기는, 반사적인, 반사하는
* combative : 곧잘 싸우려 하는, 호전적인, 투쟁적인
* lift : ~을 북돋우다
* dawn : 시작하다, 날이 새다
* enduring: 영원한, 계속되는
* Capitol : <미국> (Washington, D.C.에 있는) 국회 의사당(~ Hill)
* handover : (재산·권한·책임 따위의) 이양, 양도
* amidst = amid : …의 한복판에(서), …에 둘러싸여
* turmoil : 혼란, 혼동
* recession : 경기 침체
* speak volumes : 웅변으로 말하다, 증명하고도 남음이 있다; 의미 심장하다[for]
* flourish : 장식, 눈부심, 전성기, 화려함
* ring(bring) down the curtain on something : 종말을 알리다; …을 끝나게 하다; …이 끝났다고 선언하다
* tumultuous : 시끄러운; 소동을 일으키는, 무질서한, 격동의