With General Motor is warning it may run out of money by the end of the year, Democrats on Capitol
hill are hurrying into put together a bailout package for the industry. Bailout proponents say the
auto of industry is key to the U.S. economey, (구제안 찬성론자의 말) "This is not just someone
crying wolf. This is a serious economic recession, potentially a depression in the auto sector.
Democrats are drafting regislation that would dip into the $700 billion dollar wall street package
that was approved by congress last month.
Auto executives, lavor leaders, and others want an immediate $25 billion dollar loan to keep the
companies operating and more money to help cover the auto company's future heath care obligations.
But the opponents say the goverment should stay out of the marketplace. (반대론자의 말) "I think the
best solution is to allow the market to work here. If one of the companies was to bankrupt and
liquidate, the prospects for the other two would be much greater because they would a have a larger
slice of the market.
President Bush appears cool to the Democrats' proposal although his Press Secretary says he is open
to helping the troubled industry. And Wendesday, his Treasury Secretary called the auto sector critical
but said financial industry wasn't designed for car companies. Even so, the house may vote on the proposal
as early as next Thursday.
Mike Grossia, The Associated Press
* put together : [부분,요소]를 짜맞추다, 구성하다
* Democrat : 민주당원
* Cpitol Hll 《미》: 1.국회 의사당이 있는 곳 《워싱턴에 있음》
2.구어》 미국 연방 의회(Congress)
* bailout : 구제금융, 긴급융자
* proponent : 찬성론자
* cry wolf : 거짓 경보를 울리다, 허보를 전하다
* recession : 경기침체
* depression : 경기불황
* draft : 작성하다.
ex) draft legislation : 법안의 초안을 잡다.
* executive : 중역, 임원
* obligation : 의무, 부담
* opponent : 반대론자
* bankrupt : 파산한
* liquidate : (빚을) 청산하다
* cool : 냉담한
* press secretary : 《미》 (특히 대통령 등의) 대변인, 공보 비서관
* Treasury Secretary : the Secretary of the Treasury 《미국》 재무 장관
ex) Becoming the Secretary of the Treasury was the consummation of his political life.
재무 장관이 된 것은 그의 정치 생활의 완성이었다.
* critical : 위기의
* even so : 그렇다 하더라도
* vote : 표결하다