♣영어♣/news2008. 11. 19. 15:42

 With General Motor is warning it may run out of money by the end of the year, Democrats on Capitol
are hurrying into put together a bailout package for the industry. Bailout proponents say the
auto of industry is key to the U.S. economey, (구제안 찬성론자의 말) "This is not just someone
crying wolf. This is a serious economic recession, potentially a depression in the auto sector.
Democrats are drafting regislation that would dip into the $700 billion dollar wall street package
that was approved by congress last month.
 Auto executives, lavor leaders, and others want an immediate $25 billion dollar loan to keep the
companies operating and more money to help cover the auto company's future heath care obligations.
But the opponents say the goverment should stay out of the marketplace. (반대론자의 말) "I think the
best solution is to allow the market to work here. If one of the companies was to bankrupt and
liquidate, the prospects for the other two would be much greater because they would a have a larger
slice of the market.

 President Bush appears cool to the Democrats' proposal although his Press Secretary says he is open
to helping the troubled industry. And Wendesday, his Treasury Secretary called the auto sector critical
but said financial industry wasn't designed for car companies. Even so, the house may vote on the proposal
as early as next Thursday.

Mike Grossia, The Associated Press

* put together : [부분,요소]를 짜맞추다, 구성하다
* Democrat : 민주당원
* Cpitol Hll 《미》: 1.국회 의사당이 있는 곳 《워싱턴에 있음》
                     2.구어》 미국 연방 의회(Congress)
* bailout : 구제금융, 긴급융자
* proponent : 찬성론자
* cry wolf : 거짓 경보를 울리다, 허보를 전하다
* recession : 경기침체
* depression : 경기불황
* draft : 작성하다.
          ex) draft legislation : 법안의 초안을 잡다.
* executive : 중역, 임원
* obligation : 의무, 부담
* opponent : 반대론자
* bankrupt : 파산한
* liquidate : (빚을) 청산하다
* cool : 냉담한
* press secretary : 《미》 (특히 대통령 등의) 대변인, 공보 비서관
* Treasury Secretary : the Secretary of the Treasury 《미국》 재무 장관
  ex) Becoming the Secretary of the Treasury was the consummation of his political life.
      재무 장관이 된 것은 그의 정치 생활의 완성이었다.
* critical : 위기의
* even so : 그렇다 하더라도
* vote : 표결하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 11. 18. 11:31

 For 22 months, she has been juggling the roles of wife, mother and chief surrogate to her husband
on the campaign trail. She describes herself as a multitasker. Her husband, the president- elect
calls her his rock. Now, Michelle Obama is preparing to take on a new role - and her most high
one yet. (오바마 연설) "My best friend for the last 16 years, the rock of our family, the
love of my life, the nation's next First lady, Michelle Obama."

 Michelle Obama has said she never sought the spotlight herself, though she has fallen into it
with apparent ease. Despite a high-powered career of her own and two young daughters at home in
Chicago, Obama was a frequent presence on the campaign trail, as she set out to introduce herself
to the nation and sell her husband as the best man for the job. Though she encountered scrutiny
on everything from her patriotism to her outfits, Obama was embraced by supporters for her
intelligence, eloquence and ability to inspire a crowd.

 But Obama has made clear that home is where her heart is, anf her most important role in her
husband's new administration will be being a mom. (미셸 오바마의 말) "I come here as a mom, as a
mom who's girls are the heart of my heart and the center of my world. They're the first things I
think about when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think about before I go to bed
at night." Obama has said transitioning her daughters - 7-year-old Sasha and 10-year-old Malia
- will be her number one priority. And though she hopes to be a voice for working mothers across
the nation, she says she won't seek a major policy role, at least for now, in her husband's

* juggle : ~의 위치,차례를 요리조리 바꾸다
* surrogate : 대리노릇을 하다, 자기후임으로 지명하다
* campaign trail  선거유세
* profile : 이목
            ex) have a high profile:  세간의 이목을 끌다.
* sought : seek의 과거,과거분사 (~을 추구하다)
* set out : 나서다
* scrutiny  정밀한 조사
* encounter : …과 우연히 만나다, 조우하다, 마주치다.
* outfit : 옷차림
* embrace : ~을 받아들이다, 포옹하다
* eloquence : 웅변

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 11. 17. 12:44

 At first glance, Hannah Jones seems like a preety normal teenager, but she was diagnosed
with cancer when she was 4 years old. She has had nearly a dozen operations in 8 years and
now she is suffering from condition that casuse the heart muscel to swell and in some cases
fail. In a bold move, the 13 year old has refused a heart tranplant that could save her life.
(영국소녀의 말) "There's too many risk involved even if I had it, it might not turn out good
so I could be worse than I am now."

 Jones says she is not afraid of dying. She just dosen't want to spend any more time
in a hospital. (영국소녀의 말) "I have had a lot of experiences of hospitals, what
they are like, what they do in there on a day-to-day basis, it's just I have had too many
bad experiences in hospital and just don't want to go back there and stay there for another
month or so, it dosen't seem right to me." While Jones's parents supported her decision, it
didn't sit well with british medical officials. (Hannah 아버지의 말) "If we didn't take Hannah
into hospital, they were than going to get in touch with a judge, the judge would contact us,
he would then issue a court order, and if need be, they would forcbly remove Hannah from us.

 The teen eventually gained the support of social worker leading health officials to drop their
plans for legal action. (영국소녀를 지지하는 사회사업가의 말) "When it comes to anything very
complex such as this, we need to ensure that the child understands not just the immediate direct
consequences of a decision but also the longer term." There is no determine how much longer
Hannah will live, but she says that she hasn't stopped her from dreaming of the day she makes
it to Disneyland. A charity had been willing to send her to the amusement park but she needs
to find an insurance company that will cover the rip first.

Carlotta Bradley, The Associated Press

* diagnose : 진단하다
* swell :  부풀다, 팽창하다, 부피가 커지다, 곪아서 부어오르다
* bold : 대담한
* on a day-to-day basis : 하루하루 기준으로 -> 하루하루
* sit well with : (사람,사물에) 어울리다, 받아들여지다
* get in touch with : ~와 연락하다, 접촉하다
* issue : <명령·면허증 등을> 내다, 내리다, 발행하다, 발포(發布)하다
         ex)《issue+목+전+명》 issue an order to soldiers 병사에게 명령을 내리다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 11. 13. 11:46
 It is a victory that cannot be overstated. Senator Barak Obama and his fellow democrats have swept into the white house, tightened their grip on Congress and in the process made Obama the first African-American to ascend to the highest position in the country.

(오바마 연설) "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."

 Illinois senator rode his promise of change that resonated with an electorate anxious to rid itself of a financial crisis and wars that have dragged on for years. (오바마 연설) "It has been long time to come but tonight, beacause of what we did on this day in this election at this defining moment, change has come to America."

 Obama's victory coupled with massive gains in Congress, puts Democrats firmly in control of Washington. By night’s end, Democrats had gained seats in the Senate and the House.  “2008 and the election of Barak Obama and stong Democratic House and Senate marks the end of the conservative era and the beginning of a new progressive era in American politics.”   

 But it is Obama's strong showing that touched many and set off massive celebrations in Chicago and in front of the White House. “A while ago I had the honor of calling Senator Barak Obama to congratulate him.” Obama’s opponent Sen. John McCain was gracious in defeat, saying he has achieved a great thing, and urged his supporters to get behind the new president. Despite the 20-month long campaign season, the hard part is still ahead for Barak Obama and his Democratic party. Now they must tame a spiraling economy and earn the trust of a world distrustful of Washington  

* overstate : 과장하다
* senator : 상원(上院) 의원; (S- ) 《美》 《성명 앞에 붙여》 …상원 의원.
* cannot~too : 아무리 ~해도 지나치지 않다
* democrat : 민주당원
* sweep : (바람·사태·세찬 물결 따위가) 몰아가다, 쓸어가다
* tighten : [관리·통제 따위]를 엄하게 하다
* grip : 단단히 붙잡기(쥐기), 문맥상 장악
* Congress : 의회
* ascend : 오르다
* Illinois[lni,-niz] : 일리노이(미국 중서부의 주; 주도(州都) Springfield; 약어 Ill.)
* resonate : ~을 반향시키다, 반향하다
* electorate : 집합적》 선거민, 유권자
* rid of : …을 제거하다, 몰아내다, 없애다[of]
* the house : [일본∙미국의] the House of Representatives 하원
                    <-> 상원 : [미국∙프랑스 등의] the Senate
* set off : 촉발하다, 유발하다
* tame : 길들이다
* spiral 급속히 악화하다
Posted by 클로버,,