Armenian and Greek Othodox monks clashed at the church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, revered
as the site of Jesus's crucifixion, burial and resurrection. The brawling began during a procession
of Armenian clergymen commemorating the 4th-century discover of the cross believed to have been used
to crucify Jesus.
The Greeks objected to the march without one of their monks present. They feared the procession would
subvert their own claim to the ancient structure built on what is believed to be the tomb of Jesus.
"We resisted peacefully, we didn't hit anybody. Somebody came from behind, there was no police at the
time from behind and he hit me like this, they broke the lens of my glasses and I have this scratch
and I was a little dizzy at the moment."
Police arrested two monks one from each side. Six Christian sects divide control of the ancient church.
They regularly fight over turf and influence, and Israeli police are often forced to intervene. The feud
is only one of a bewildering array of rivalries among churchmen in the Holy Sepulcher. For example, the
Isralie government has long wanted to build a fire exit in the church. It regularly fills with thousands
of pilgrims and has only one main door, but the sects cannot agree where the exit will be built.
Matt Friedman, The Associated Press
* Armenian : 아르메니아 인
* Greek : 그리스 인
* Orthodox : 그리스 정교회의
: orthodox - (종교상의 교의가)정통의, 정설의, 정통 신앙의, 정통파인 사람
* monk : 수사, 수도사, 정직사
* clash : 충돌하다
* the Holy Sepulcher : 그리스도의 성묘(聖墓)
: sepulcher - 무덤, <그리스도교> 성체 안치소, ~을 묘에 묻다, 매장하다
* revere as : ~로 숭배하다, 존경하다
* crucifixion : 십자가에 못박음[못박힌 상태].
* burial : 매장, 매장지
* resurrection : 부활, 그리스도의 부활
* brawl : 말다툼[언쟁]하다
* procession : 행렬, 행진
* clergyman : 성직자
* commemorate : (의식, 제전으로) ~을 기념하다, 축하하다
* cross : 십자가
* crucify : ~을 십자가에 못박다
* objcect to : ~에 반대하다
* subvert : [권위·체제 등]을 전복하다, 뒤엎다, 타도하다; 파멸시키다.
: [사상·신념 등]을 타락시키다, (차츰) 무너뜨리다.
* sect : (종교의) 교파, 종파
: (학문 사상 따위의) 파, 학벌, 학파
* turf : 잔디밭, 영역
* Israeli : 이스라엘(사람)의
* intervene : ~에 개입하다, 들에 들다(있다)
* feud : 원한, 적의, 불화
* bewildering : 당혹케 하는
: bewilder - ~을 당황하게 하다
* rivalry : 경쟁, 대립(관계)
* churchman : 성직자
* pilgrim : 순례자