♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 5. 11:11

 There is a holiday warning for New York city. The Associated Press has learned the FBI has received a
"plausible and unsubstantiated" report that Al-Qaida terrorists were discussing in September an attack on
the subway system at penn station. Officials say they have no reason to believe the plot went beyond an
"aspirational planning" stage. 

 Traveleres took the news in stride. "It does not change anything, 'cause you never know what to expect
with the way thing are happening nowdays. Just have to stay calm, and be self-assured you keep going on
about your daily routine." "What we can do?, Just be cautious and I am sure the government is doing a
lot of security." New York police department released a statement saying quote, "In an aundance of
caution, the NYPD has deployed additional resources in the mass transit system. It is not uncommon for
the department to receive threat information and adjust our resourses accordingly."

 Law enfocement officials have long said potential terrorists see the New York City subway system as a
"soft target". Meaning that there are a lot of people in a confined, public space, vulnerable to suicide
bombers, backpack bombers that happened in London and Madrid." The Department of Homeland Security says the warning was issued as a "routine matter", and they are investigating every lead.
* plausible : 그럴싸한, 진실같은, 믿을만한
* unsubstantiated : 증거가 없는, 입증되지 않은, 터무니[근거] 없는
* plot : 음모
* aspirational : 야심찬, 열망의
* self-assured : 자신 있는, 자기 과신의
* in stride : 침착하게, 당연하게, 대수롭지 않게
* abundance : 충분함
* cautious : 조심성 있는, 주의 깊은, 신중한, 경계하는
* NYPD : New York City Police Department(뉴욕시 경찰청)
* deploy : 배치하다, 전개하다
* mass : 대량, 집단, 덩어리
* transit : 운송, 운반, 통행(하다)
* adjust : ~에 맞추다, 적합시키다
* accordingly : 이에 따라
* confined : 한정된, 좁은, 협소한
* vulnerable to : 피해를 입기 쉬운, 취약한
* The Department of Homeland Security : 미 국토 안보부
* issue : 발령(하다), 발행(하다)

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 4. 12:23

 North Korea has laid out its first concrete measures to resrict traffic from South Korea. Starting December first, the north will stop train service between the two Koreas and end tours of its historic city of Kaesong. A television broadcaster also announced that the north will selectively expel South Koreans from a joint industrial zone in Kaesong.

 The moves mark a new escalation of tension between the two contries still technically at war. A spokesman for the South Korean Unification Ministry expressed regret for the moves. Relations have been tense since the conservative  president Lee Myung-bak took office in Feburary. He pledged to change policy on the north. North Korea suspended the reconciliation talks. It threatened to cut any remaining ties with the South after Lee took office.

 Despite the chill in government-level ties, South Korea run factories continue to operate in the industrial complex in Kaesong. 35,000 North Koreans work in 80 South Korean factories. The South also called the north's actions a very grave situation and said they move South-North relations backward.

Matt Friedman, The Associated Press

* lay out : ~을 준비하다, ~을 설계하다, [계획]을 입안하다, ~을 전시하다
* measure : 조치, 기준, 척도
* expel : ~을 쫓아버리다, ~을 내쫓다
* joint : 공동의, 연대의
 (a joint industrial zone in Kaesong : 개성공단)
* escalation : 고조, 확대, 강화, 증대, 상승
* technically : 법률적으로
* pledge : 공약하다
* suspend : 중단하다
* reconciliation : 화해
* complex : 공단(공업단지)
* grave : 심각한
* move backward : 후퇴하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 3. 12:32

 When Barack Obama takes the oath of office in January, law enforcement officials expect the largest
crowd in inauguration history to be on hand. From watching election night activities, for example, the
large number of folks that came to Washington to celebrate and to gather on election night is a good
indicator that it is going to be an increased number from what we're used to.
 Some reports have put crowd estimates between three and five million people, thouhg officals could not
confirm those numbers. Inaugurations are designated as National Special Security Events, which makes
the Secret Service the lead agency. Officials say they plan to be ready for the unexpected. "We always
have to stay one step ahead, we always have to change."

 Threats to Obama - the nations's first black president - have been higher than any other president
- elect in history. Trotta says the agency is taking note of the historic nature of Obama's presidency.
"That is just a factor that, of course, we are not saying it does not play a rule, but it is not the
security issue." Officials says, there has been no specific intelligence pointing to an attack on
inauguration day.

Dianne Kepley, The Associated Press

* a law enforcement officer : 법의 집행관;경관 law enforcement
* oath : 취임선서, 맹세, 서약
* inauguration : 취임(식)
* be on hand : 출석하다
* indicator : 지시자, 지시하는 사람[물건]
* designate : 가리키다, 나타내다, 의미하다, 부르다[as], 명명하다
* take note of : ~에 주목[주의] 하다, 알아채다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 1. 13:00

 It is being called a medical breakthrough and it offers great promise to patients suffering from serious
illnesses. Only a handful of windpipe or trachea transplants have ever been performed. But this is the
first to use a lab-grown airway. Claudia Castillo suffered from tuberculosis for years. Then in March
she sufferd a serious lung collapse. Initially, doctor thought the only solution was a risky surgery
to remove entire left lung.

 But a team of surgeons propsed a windpipe transplant with stem cells instead. Once doctor had a donor
windpipe, it was stripped of all its cells. Then doctors took a sample of Castillo's bone marrow from her
hip. Stem cells from the bone marrow were then used  to creat millions of cartilage and tissue cells to
cover and line the windpipe. Doctors were then able to perform the transplant.

 Since the surgery in June, Castillo hasn't shown any signs of rejection. And she is not taking any
immune-suppressing drugs, which can cause serious side effect. She is now able to take care of her two
children and can even walk reasonable distances without becoming out of the breath. And doctors are
hopeful that one day the technique can be used for other organs like the bowel, bladder or reproductive

Sandy Kozel, The Associated Press

* breakthrough : (문제 해결의)돌파, 돌파구, 대성공, 개가, (난관의)타개
* a handfoul of : 한 움큼, 한 손 가득, 한 줌[of], (a ~) 소량, 소수[of]
* windpipe : 기관, 숨통
* trachea : 기관
* lab-grown : 실험실에서 배양된(lab=laboratory)
* airway : 항공로, 여기서는 기도의 의미
* tuberculosis : 폐결핵
* lung : 폐, 허파
* collapse : [의학] <폐 등이> (산소 부족으로) 허탈(虛脫)하다
* donor : 기증자, [의학] (장기 등의) 제공자, 제공자의
* strip : 제거하다
* bone marrow :골수
* cartilage : 연골, 연골 조직
* tissue : 조직
* immune-suppressing drug : 면역억제제
* bowel 창자
* bladder 방광
* reproductive tract : 생식관
                     : reprocutive - 생식의
                     : tract - [해부] 관

Posted by 클로버,,