♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 22. 17:47

 After a day of marathon meetings and private negotiations, U.S senators have failed to reach a deal
on legislation aimed that bailing out the cash strapped auto industry. Now the Detroit 3 may be left to
fend for themselves. GM and Chrysler have already said without the government's help, they are just weeks
away from collapse. (미 상원의원의 말) I'm gonna work as hard as I can, to convince the treasury secretary.
to take actions, to save these 3 million jobs that could be on the line. People play Russian roulette
with this recession tonight. We don't know what's gonna happen."

 The house passed the bill Wednesday that would give GM and Chrysler access to 14 billion dollars worth
of loans almost immediately. Those fedral funds would be distributed by a so-called car czar who would
have the authority to take the money back, if the companies weren't doing enough to restructure themselves. 

 But the bill faced a much tougher battle in the Senate. Lawmakers spent hours with representative from
the industry and the labor union on Thursday trying to salvage the rescue package. Ultimately they were
unable to meet some of the conditions Senate Republicans were calling for, conditions like wage and
benefit concession by the labor union. Senate Majority leader Harry Reid says, lawmakers won't consider an
auto industry bailout again until next year.

Raw Simpson, The Associated Press


* legislation : 법안, 입법
* strapped : (미국구어) 자금이 없어진
* fend : 꾸려나가다, 부양하다,
       : fend for (oneself) 자활하다, 혼자 힘으로 꾸려나가다.
* convince : 확신시키다, 납득시키다  
* be on the line : 위기에 처하다
* Russian roulette : 회전식 연발 권총의 여러 개의 약실 중 하나에만 총알을 넣고 총알의 위치를 알 수 없도록
                     탄창을 돌린 후, 참가자들이 각자의 머리에 총을 겨누고 방아쇠를 당기는 게임이다.
* so-called : 소위, 이른바, 흔히 일컫는
* restructure : 구조조정하다
* salvage : 구출하다
* concession : 양보
* Senate Majority leader : 상원 다수당 총무


Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 19. 13:04

 Once again nature may provide a possible solution in the fight against disease. Researcher in Austailia
have found that an extract found in grape seed can prevent the build-up of proteins in the brains of mice.
What's significant is these mice have Alzheimer's disease.

 (연구자의 말) "So what we found was that the level of damage to DNA which is a fundamental cause of
accelerated aging and degenerative diseases was reduced by including grape seed extract in the diet of
these mice." Scientists found the mice also had a 50 percent reduction in brain cell damage.

 (연구자의 말) "Phenolic compounds, natural phenolic compounds from the grape seed could contribute
significantly to diminishing the level of DNA damage in people and therefore reduce their risk for
diseases cased by DNA damage." While it could still be some time before grape extract can be recommended
for use in humans to prevent Alzheimer's. Thanks to these promising findings, researchres hope to start
human trials soon.

* extract : 추출물
* build-up : 증가
* accelrate : ~을 촉진하다
* aging(=ageing) : 노화
* degenerative : 퇴보하기 쉬운, 퇴행성의
               : degenerative disease - 퇴행성 질환
* diet : 식사, 음식
* phenol : <화학> 페놀
* compound : 화합물
* contribute to ~ing : ~에 기여하다
* diminish : 감소시키다
* promising : 전도 유망한, 장래성이 있는, 전망이 좋은, 기대되는

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 18. 12:40

 Europeans are clearing Irish pork from plates and shelves, following the revelation that the meat is
tainted with a potentially cancer-causing chemical. The recall comes after the discovery of dioxin levels
in Irish pigs and pig feed at 80 to 200 times the safty limit. All pig products produced since September
1st are affected by the order.

 The ban is the biggest blow to Ireland's farmers since the 2001 foot-and-mouth disease scare. (아일랜드
농부의 말) "Not one farmer has done anything wrong and all of the farmers bought their feed from a
licensed source and how has this contaminated product got into the animal food chain? We need answers to
that and obviously it has to be prevented from ever happening again."

 Ireland Prime Minister says government offical is still looking into the extent of the contamination.
"The problem has been located and the continuing examination and enquiries will proceed and we must
take actions to reinforce confidence to the public and obviously also allowed the industry to move on
from this point." For now, all grocery stores pubs and restaurants in Ireland are being asked to ship
back all Irish pork products to the manufacturers. And the public is asked not to eat the meat as a

Shirley Smith, The Associated Press


* revelation : 폭로, 발각
* taint : 오염시키다
* cancer-causing chemical : 발암물질
* recall : 회수, 회수하다, 취소하다
* feed : 사료
* blow : 타격
* foot-and-mouth disease【수의학】 구제역(口蹄疫) 《가축의 입·발굽에 생기는 전염병》
* licensed : 허가 된
* extent : 규모, 정도, 수준
* locate : 발견하다, 찾아내다 , ~의 장소를 알아내다
* enquiry : 조사
* reinforce : 보강하다, 증강하다
* confidence : 신뢰
* move on : 진행[출발]하다
* precaution : 예방 조치, 사전 대책, 조심, 경계, 조심시키다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 17. 12:36

 A broken OJ simpson was sentenced to as much as 33 years in prison for a hotel armed robbery. Before
learning his fate, he offered an apology, attributing his actions to stupidity. (OS simpson의 말)"I am
sorry. I didn't mean to steal anything from anybody. I didn't know I was doing anything illegal.
I thought I was confronting friends and retrieving my property. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of it."

 But the judge in the case rejected the former pro-football player's five minute emotional plea. (판사의
말) "I have to tell you now it was much more than stupidity." Simpson said he was trying to recoup stolen
property, spots memorabilia and another mementos from two collectible dealers at a Las Vagas hotel room
in September of 2007. Simpson's codefendant and golfing buddy Clarence "CJ" Stewart was also sentenced
to at least 15 years.

 The judge said her sentence had nothing to do with simpson's 1994 acquittal in the slaying of his
ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. Goldman's family showed up to the hearing
today. (로날드 골드만 아버지의 말) "We are thrilled, its a kind of bittersweet moment. Knowing that that
SOB is gonna be in jail for very long time where he belongs." The jugde here imposed a complex series
of prison terms. So the 61 year old Simpson could spend more than 3 decades in prison or be eligible
for parole in 9 years.

* broken : 풀이 죽은, 상심한
* sentence to : …의 판결(형)을 내리다
* confront : 만나다
* retrieve : 회수하다, ~을 되찾다
* plea : 변명, 핑계, 구실, 간청, 탄원, 빌기
* recoup : [손실]을 회복하다, 되찾다, 회수하다, 보상하다
* memorabilia 기념품
* memento : 추억, 기억, 기념품
* collectibles : 수집품 (=collectable), 모을 수 있는
* codefendant : 공동 피고인
* buddy : 친구
* have nothing to do with : ~와 관련이 없다, ~와 전혀 관계가 없다, ~와 교제를 안하다
                          : nothing 대신 something : 조금 관계가 있다
                                         little : 거의 관계가 없다
* acquittal : <법률> (무죄 피고인의)방면
            : (의무[채무]의) 해제, (부채의) 변제.
* slay : ~을 죽이다, 살해다다, ~을 학살하다, ~을 소멸시키다, 파괴하다
* bittersweet :1. 배풍등류(類)의 독초; 노박덩굴류.
               2. 달콤씁쓸한 것. ━ 《한정용법》 쓰고도 단;
               《美》 (초콜릿이) 거의 설탕이 들어 있지 않은; 즐겁고도 괴로운, 희비가 엇갈리는
* SOB :《속어》 son of a bitch.
* impose :〔세금·형벌·의무 따위〕를 지우다.
* parole : 가석방

Posted by 클로버,,