♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 1. 16:17

 A bomb threat mailed to a Frech news organization tipped Paris to evacuate a major department store
where they eventually found a bundle of dynamite. A group demanding that France withdraw from Afghanistan
claimed responsibility. Christmas Shoppers were evacuated from the popular tourist destination.

 Police cordoned off the area as salon clients walked out the doors with products still on their hair.
Police eventually found five dynamite sticks tied together without a detonator in a men's restroom.
The Interior Minister says there was no risk of explosion. A group calling the itself Afghan Revolutionary
Front warned that there were several bombs in the store but only one was found.

 Officials say the group is "totally unknown" to police but they're still investigaing. The group demands
that France withdraw its troops from Afghanistan before the end of February, and threaten attacks if
France refuses. France has 2,800 troops in the war-torn country. President Nicolas Sarkozy quickly
stressed he would not bend to threats vowing not to compromise with terrorists.

Dianne Kepley, The Associated Press

* tip : ~에게 팁,정보를 주다
* evacuate : ~을 대피시키다
* cordon off : ~을 차단하다
* detonator : 기폭 장치
* The Interior Minister : 내무장관
* war-torn : 전쟁으로 파괴된[피폐한]
* vow to~ : ~할 것을 맹세하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 31. 12:24

 This week, Americans are gethering with family and friends across the country to celebrate the blessings
of Christmas and the holiday season.

 As we celebrate this joyous time of year, our thoughts turn to the brave men and women who serve our
country far from home. Their extraordinary and selfless sacrifice is an inspiration to us all, and
part of the unbroken line of heroism that has made our freedom and prosperity possible for over two

 Many troops are serving their second, third, or even fourth tour of duty. And we are reminded that
they are more than dedicated Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guard they are devoted fathers
and mothers; husbands and wives; sons and daughters; sisters and brothers.

 This holiday season, their family celebrate with a joy that is muted knowing that a loved one is absent,
and sometimes in danger. In towns and cities across America, there is an empty seat at the dinner table;
in distant bases and on ships at sea, our service men and women can only wonder at the look on their
child's face as they open up a gift back home.

 Our troops and millitary familys have won the respect and gratitude of their broader American family.
Michelle and I have them in our prayers this Christmas, and we must all continue to offer them our
full support in the weeks and months to come.

 These are also tough times for many Americans struggling in our sluggish economy. As we count the higher
blessings of faith and family, we know that millions of Americans don't have a job. Many more are
struggling to pay the bills and stay in their homes. From Students to seniors, the future seems uncertain.

 That is why this season of giving should also be a time to renew a sense of common purpose and shared
citizenship. Now, more than ever, we must rededicated ourselves to the notion that we share a common
destiny as Americans that I am my brothers keeper, I am my sisters keeper. Now we must all do our part
to serve one another; to seek new ideas and new innovation; and to start a new chapter for our great
 That is the spirit that will guide my Administration in the new year. If the American people come
together and put their shoulder to the wheel of history, then I know that we can put our people back
to work and point our country in a new direction. That is how we will see ourselves through this time
of crisis, and reach the promise of a brighter day. After all, that is what Americans have always done.

 232 years ago, when America was newly born as a nation, George Washington and his Army faced impossibe
odds as they struggled to free themselves from the grip of an empire.

 It was Christmas day, December 25th, 1776 that they fought through ice and cold to make an improbable
crossing of the Delaware River. They caught the enemy off-guard, won victories in Trenton and Princeton,
and gave new momentum to the beleaguered Army and new hope to the cause of Independence.

 Many ages have passed since that first American Christmas. We have crossed many rivers as a people.
But the lessons that have carried us through are the same lessons that we celebrate every Christmas
season, the same lessons that guide us to this very day, that hope endures, and that a new birth of
peace is always possible.

 Thank you, and have a wonderful New Year.


* joyous : 행복한
* selfless : 이기심이 없는, 사심 없는
* unbroken : 꺾이지 않는, 약해지지 않는
* heroism : 영웅적 자질, 용기, 용맹, 대담, 용감한 행동
* prosperity : 번영, 번창
* tour of duty : (해외)복무[근무]기간  -> 오호.. 이런 뜻이..
* dedicated : 헌신적인
* Airman : 비행사, 항공병
* muted : 침묵한, (소리,어조가)약한
* gratitude : 감사하는 마음
* sluggish : 1. 게으른, 나태한. ▷INACTIVE 
                  2. (반응·움직임 따위가) 둔한, 느린; (흐름 따위가) 완만한.
* count : 간주하다
* notion : 개념, 관념, 생각
* put one's shoulder to the wheel : 열심히 노력하다, 온 힘을 다 쏟다
* odds : 가망, 공산, 가능성, 승산, 확률, 이길[성공할] 기미
* improbalbe : 일어날 것 같지 않은
* off-guard : 경계가 태만한, 부주의한
* Trenton : 트렌턴 (미국 New Jersey 주의 주도)
* Princeton : 미국 New Jersey주(州)의 학원 도시
* momentum : 탄력, 여세, 힘, 세
* beleaguer : ~을 포위하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 28. 15:22

 Call it the shoe heard round the world. Soon after an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at President
Bush during a news conference in Baghdad, this video was shown practically everywhere. Showing the sole
of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is
even worse. (부시 미 대통령의 말) "I am not insulted. I don't hold it against the government. I don't
think the Iraqi press corps as a whole is terrible. And so, the guy wanted to get on TV and he did. I
didn't know what his beef is."

 The shoe thrower has been identified as Muntadhar al-Zeidi. He was kidnapped by militants last year
and was being held by Iraqi security on Monday and interrogated about whether anybody paid him to throw
his shoes. He was also being tested for alcohol and drugs. His shoes were being held as a evidence.
Al-Zeidi's family condemned his treatment. His sister says he was beaten severely after the incident.
His nephew threatened to throw his own shoes at security forces if al-Zeidi is not released. In Baghdad's
Shiite Sadr City, supporters of radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called for protests against Bush
and demanded the release of the reporter. An aide to al-Sadr said al-Zeidi did nothing contrary to the
law and called for his release.

 But a Kurdish member of the Iraqi parliament condemned al-Zeidi's actions and called it irresponsible
conduct. Photos of the throw have been splashed across the front pages of newspapers in the Arab world.
This resident of Cairo where al-Zeidi's television network is based said his actions were not appropriate.
He added that al-Zeidi could not hide his feelings about what is happening in Iraq. And in the U.S.
"At first I thought it was funny and then I felt a little embarrassed. That means he is our president
still." "I thought it was pretty immature, but sometimes a free press people feel a little too free I
guess" President told reporters that he didn't think al-Zeidi's actions represent a broad movement in

Matt Friedman, The Associated Press

* practically : 사실상
* sole : 구두창, 신바닥, 발바닥
* beef : 《속어》 불평, 불만; 말다툼, 싸움.
* interrogate : [남]을 심문하다
* condemn : 비난하다
* threaten : ~을 위협하다
* radical : 극단적인
* aide : 보좌관
* cleric : 성직자
* Kurdish : 쿠르드인[어]의, 쿠르드어
* splash :  (신문 따위에) 대서특필하다 [across, on, over]

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 24. 16:32

 Fedral authorties are calling it one of Wall Street's biggest Ponzi Scheme and they say the man behind
it is Bernard Madoff, a former chairman of the Nasdaq stock exchange. Madoff allegedly took money from
new investors to fund big payouts to his older clients giving off the apperance of a huge rate of return.

 Jerry Reisman represents some of the investors who say they were duped. He says at first he wondered how
such savvy business people could fall for the scam. But it did not take him long to figure out Madoff's
game. (투자자들의 대리 변호사의 말) "He was in the right settings, He played golf at the right places. He
ate the lunch at the right places and ate the dinner with the right people and what he did was he was
able to suck them in and he was able to prey upon them, gain their confidence and got them to bring in
other investors."

 Madoff was arrested for securities fraud last week. He is free on a ten million dollar bond. "We are
acutely focused with our colleagues in the Southern Dist. Of NY and the FBI to figure out exactly what's
going on to persue the case. We have got to preserve assets to the extent we are able to and bring everyone
who was reponsible for the conduct at the Madoff firm to justice." The assets of Madoff's firm were
frozen last week they will be liquidated in bankruptcy court. On Monday a New York judge signed an order
to protect the affected inverstors. He also appointed a trustee to preside over the liquidation of the
Madoff firm's funds.

Mike Grossia, The Associated Press

* ponzi : 다단계 금융 사기
* scheme : 음모, 계획
참고] Ponzi scheme : 폰지형(型) 이자(利子) 사기 방식(피라미드식 이식(利殖) 사기 수법).
                    〔<이탈리아 태생의 미국의 사기꾼 Charles Ponzi (1877-1949)〕-> 헉...-_-;;
* stock exchange : 주식거래소
* allegedly : 《문장 수식》 (진위는 모르나) 주장하는 바에 따르면, 들리는 바에 의하면
* fund : 자금을 공급하다
* payout : 지불(금)
* give off : ~을 풍기다, 내다, 발하다
* return : 수익
* dupe : [사람]을 속이다, 속기 쉬운 사람, 얼간이
* savvy : 빈틈없는, 잘 아는, 영리한, 경험 있고 박식한, 이해력, 분별, 기지, 판단력 (또는 savvey) 
* fall for : ~에게 속다, 걸려[말려] 들다, ~에게 반하다
* scam : 신용 사기, 계획 도산, ~을 속이다
* suck in : 남을 속이다
* fraud : 사기
* bond : 보석금(증서)
* acutely :  날카롭게
* Dist. : district - 관할 구역, 지구
* asset : 자산s
* to the extent : ~ 할 정도까지
* liquidate : [회사 따위를 ] 청산하다
* trustee : 피신탁인, 신탁관리인, 수탁자
* preside over : 주인역을 맡다, ~을 주관하다, 감독하다

Posted by 클로버,,