A state of emergency is in place in Thailand, as protests that have shutdown Bangkok's airport enters
its fourth day. But it appears there is no end in sight to the shutdown of Bangkok's two airport. On
Friday, Thailand's embattled goverment backed away from a threat to use force to disperse the protesters.
The airport shutdown started on Tuesday forcing the cancellation of all flight both in and out of
Bangkok. Economic experts say the shutdown is sending a rippling effect throughout the Asian economy.
Bangkok's airport handles three percent of world air cargo and at least 100,000 travelers per day. Many
of the passengers stuck at the airport right now are helpless just sitting around waiting until flight are allowed to leave.
Thai International Airways says it is loosing 14 million dollars a day with its fleet simply parked on
the tarmac. Protesters have been calling for Thailand's prime minister to stepped down for more than four
month now something the prime minister has refused to do. The protests started when demonstrators
stormed the prime minister's office, which they still control. Most passengers stuck in Bangkok are still
standing by with reservations for later dates.
Rita Foley, The Associated Press
* emergency : 비상, 위기
* shutdown : 폐쇄
* in sight : ~가 보이는 곳에[의], ~을 기대하여
* embattled : 곤경에 빠진, 적(군)에게 포위당한, 전투 태세의
* back away from : 중단하다, 철회하다
* disperse : 해산시키다, 분산시키다
* ripple : 잔물결을 일으키다
* fleet : 함대
* tarmac : 활주로
* call for : 요청하다, 요구하다
* step down : 물러나다, 내려오다
* demonstrator : 시위 참가자
* storm : 돌진하다, 난입하다