♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 9. 16:30

 A state of emergency is in place in Thailand, as protests that have shutdown Bangkok's airport enters
its fourth day. But it appears there is no end in sight to the shutdown of Bangkok's two airport. On
Friday, Thailand's embattled goverment backed away from a threat to use force to disperse the protesters.

 The airport shutdown started on Tuesday forcing the cancellation of all flight both in and out of
Bangkok. Economic experts say the shutdown is sending a rippling effect throughout the Asian economy.
Bangkok's airport handles three percent of world air cargo and at least 100,000 travelers per day. Many
of the passengers stuck at the airport right now are helpless just sitting around waiting until flight are allowed to leave.

 Thai International Airways says it is loosing 14 million dollars a day with its fleet simply parked on
the tarmac. Protesters have been calling for Thailand's prime minister to stepped down for more than four
month now something the prime minister has refused to do. The protests started when demonstrators
stormed the prime minister's office, which they still control. Most passengers stuck in Bangkok are still
standing by with reservations for later dates.

Rita Foley, The Associated Press 

* emergency : 비상, 위기
* shutdown : 폐쇄
* in sight : ~가 보이는 곳에[의], ~을 기대하여
* embattled : 곤경에 빠진, 적(군)에게 포위당한, 전투 태세의
* back away from : 중단하다, 철회하다
* disperse : 해산시키다, 분산시키다
* ripple : 잔물결을 일으키다
* fleet : 함대
* tarmac : 활주로
* call for : 요청하다, 요구하다
* step down : 물러나다, 내려오다
* demonstrator : 시위 참가자
* storm : 돌진하다, 난입하다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 8. 12:47

 The lots should not be this full. At the port of Long Beach, the cars should be headed to dealers across
california. Instead they are sitting in the sun getting weathered. (롱 비치 항 대표자의 말)"Well what we
are seeing here is a really visual representation of the downturn in the economy. Toyota, Nissan and
Mercedes Benz all bring their inventories here. All three have options to lease more storage space for
imported cars just brought off the boat.

 (롱 비치 항 대표자의 말) "The car dealerships are not doing well. We are seeing a lot of stories about
a lot of problems and challenges there at the car dealerships and this is where we are seeing it from
the first prospective
is this backlog here on the docks." The port says 150-200 cars can fit in one acre.
This is a ten-acre spillover lot Mercedes Benz rents, so that's 1500 to 2000 cars going nowhere fast.
And the company plans on renting 10 more acres to store vehicles.

 Toyota, which has its American headquarters close by, says of course they would like to get those motors
moving. (토요타 자동차 판매원의 말)"You know it really should not come as a surprise that the auto
industry is experiencing the most challenging times it had in the last quarter century. So you know
inventories are on the rise everywhere. And you know we are not immune to that." Meaning if the wheel
are not turning out of this lot, the automakers are not making money.

John Mone the Associated Press, Long Beach California. 

* lot : 하치장, 주차장
* weather : 풍화되다, 비바람을 맞다
* visual : 시각적인
* representation : 상징, 표현
* downturn : (경기의) 하강, 침체
* Mercedes-Benz : 《상표》 메르세데스 벤츠, 벤츠(독일 Daimler-Chrysler사제 승용차)
* inventory : 재고
* option : 선택권
* lease = rent : 임대하다
* dealership : 판매상, 딜러
* perspective 관점, 모습, 전망
* from the first prospective : 첫 눈에
* backlog : 재고, 잔량, (주문이 미처리인 채)쌓이다
* dock : 부두
* spillover : 넘치는
* headquarters :  본부 활동의 중심지, 본거지, 본국
* close-by : 바로 곁에 있는, 지척의
* immune : 면역이 있는, 영향을 받지 않는

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 7. 12:54

 Shock and disbelief after the South Florida college student took his own life before a live Internet
audience. (누나의 말)"He was happy when he was in pulic when he was around people he was very happy.
And there was really very little indication otherwise. In a normal day you really can not tell that he
got as low as he did." Computer users said they watched Abraham Biggs swallow pills and then lay on his

 Some viewers apprantly thought it was hoax while others egged him on in his final moments. Eventually,
someone called the website, who then notify police. The camera was still on Wednesday afternoon when
officerse burst into the teen's bedroom, but it was too late. (이웃의 말)"I wish he had been able to
talked to someone. That is really big shame that we lost someone so young."

 The teen, who's described as friendly and outgoing reportedly struggled with bipolar disorder. There
are reports Biggs started blogging about his suicide plans 12 hours before his body was found. And that
prompted his family publicly question why no one acted sooner. It is not clear how many people watched.
the public suicide.

Raw Simpson, The Associated Press

* disbelief : 믿을 수 없는 일
* hoax : 장난
* egg ~ on : ~(사람)를 부추기다
* notify : 신고하다, 통지하다
* bipolar disorder : 양극성 장애
* prompt : ~하도록 만들다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2008. 12. 6. 10:54

 Indian commandos waged a fresh battle against militants in Mumbail's luxury Taj Hotel, as another
team worked to free hostages from a besieged Jewish Center on Friday morning. Two days after, a series of
militant attacks stunned India's financial center. At least 143 people are dead, 100 hundreds are injured,
and the city is in panic. The attacks appear to be directed at foreigners. "Just a burst of gunfire.
There was a couple of explosions. Seven people were killed on the spot. Then we heard screams, tables
being ripped up."

 At least eight foreigners had been killed. A foundation of virginia confirms the deaths of an American
man and his teenage daughter. Virginia residence Alan Scherr and his 13-year old daughter Naomi were
killed in a cafe. "Three Gemans, one Japanese, one Canadian, one Australian and two deceased identity
has to be established as per the report I have received." Several Americans were injured in the attacks.
A State Department official says an American investigative team is heading to Mumbai, while the Indian
and U.S. governments work out the final details of the cooperation agreement.

 India's Foreign Minister is blaming "elements in Pakistan" for the chain of deadly attacks. Pakistan's
Prime Minister is pledging his government's "full support" in fighting "extremism and terroism". "Our
expressions and our insinuations have to be measured. Pakistan wants to cooperate. Pakistan wants a
friendly relation with India and we have today a common enemy, extremism and terrorism is a common enemy". Indian officials say the siege at the Jewish Center is in its final stage. The State Department is
urging Americans not to travel to Mumbai, at least through the weekend.

John Belmont, The Associated Press.

* commando : 특수부대원
* wage : 수행하다
* militant : 무장대원
* besiege : ~을 포위하다
* Jewish : 유대인의
* burst : 폭발(하다)
* a couple of : 두 개(사람)의, 두서너 개의, 몇 개의, 몇 사람의
* gunfire : 발포
* rip up : 파기하다, 파헤치다, 찢다, 쪼개다
* foundation : 기초, 단체
* residence : 주민
* identity : 신원
* deceased : 죽은 사람들, 사자, 고인, 망인, 죽은, 고
* as per : ~에 따라서
  per : ~에 의하여, ~으로, ~으로써 (뒤에 오는 명사는 단수이며 무관사)
* State Department :《미》 국무부(the Department of State)
* investigative : 조사의, 연구의
* work out : [계획 따위를] 만들어내다
* blame A for B : A의 B를 비난하다.
* element : 부대
* pledge : 공약하다, 약속하다
* extreamism : 극단적 행위[사고]
* insinuation : 빗대어 말하기, 암시
* siege : 포위, 포위 공격

Posted by 클로버,,