♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 12. 15:15

 Israel says its ground forces are moving into Gaza escalating the week-old offensive against the
territory's militant Hamas leaders. A military commander says it will be a lengthy operation. Troops
started moving in after nightfall. Defense officials say around 10,000 troops have come to the border
in recent days.

 Israel's assault on Hamas militant in Gaza is now entering it's second week. Israeli warplanes and
gunboats blasting more than two dozen positions targeting weapons storage, training centers and homes
of leaders. Hamas has ruled this area since 2007. Israel launched its offensive on December 27th saying
it was responding to rocket fire from militants in Gaza. (이스라엘 외무부 장관의 말) "We have a fight
with Hamas not with the people of Gaza not with the Palestinian people."

 The operation has killed more than 430 Palestinians including civilians. Four Israelis have died and
rocket attacks continue deep into Israeli territory. The airstrikes have devastated Gaza knocking out
power and rasing concerns about a humanitarian crisis. Israel's moves are drawing protest in the Arab
like here on the west bank where protesters waved Palestinian flags and shouted anti-Israel slogans.

Lee Powell, The Associated Press

* escalate: 확대하다
* lengthy : 긴
* operation : 계획
* nightfall : 해질녘, 땅거미, 황혼
* gunboat :  포함(砲艦)
* blast : 폭파하다
* launch : 개시하다
* civilian : 민간인
* airstrike : 공중공격, 공습

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 10. 13:04

 Pope Benedict the 16th marked the birth of Jesus with a traditional Christmans midnight mass at
St.Peter's Basilica. Delivering the homily in the Italian, the pope called on the faithful to help children who
are abused, forced to live on the street or serve as soldiers.

 The pontiff did not specifically mention the sex abuse allegations that have plagued the Roman Catholic
church but he told followers that Jesus wants people to do everything they can to put an end to the
suffering of children. As he recalled the birth of Jesus, his thoughts turned to the Holy land and he
prayed for an end to the conflict between Israelis and the Palestinians.   

 Benedict is expected to make his first papal trip to the region in May. There was a minor disturbance
as the pope left St.Peter's Basilica. A person who had jumped barriers got close to the Catholic leader,
but he was quickly subdued by security. Vatican officials say they don't believe the man was armed.

Raw Simpson, The Associated Press

* Pope : 로마 교황
* mass : (종종 m-) 가톨릭〉 미사
* St.Peter :  성 베드로(그리스도 12사도 중의 하나)
* Basilica : 바실리카풍의 교회당[성당]
* deliver : 〔연설·설교〕를 하다
* homily : (종교적인) 설교
* call on : 부탁하다, 명하다
* the faithful : (보통 the ~) 《집합적·복수취급》 신자, (특히 기독교·회교의) 충실한 신자들
* pontiff : 교황, 고위 성직자
* abuse : 학대하다, 학대
* allegation : (충분한 증거가 없는) 주장, 탄원, 단언
* plague : 괴롭히다, 성가시게 하다
* papal : 교황의
* subdue : ~을 진압하다, 정복하다, ~에 이기다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 9. 13:19

 The call is getting louder and it's unclear whether governor Rod Blagojevich can hear them. "Let me
be absolutely clear. I do not think that the governor at this point can affectively serve the people of
Illinois. For the second day in a row, president elect Barack Obama is calling for the embattled Illinois
governor to resign. So are a host of other politicians and Illinoisans.

 The US Attorney' accusation that Blaojevich was trying to sell Illnois' open senate seat haunts Obama.
"I have never spoken to the governor on this subject. I'm confident that no representatives of mine would
have any part of any deals related to the seat." Lieutenant governor Patrick Quinn is calling for Blaojevich
to be impeached as soon as possible. Illinois legislatures have planned a special session for Monday to
begin the process.

 "Here in Illinois, as it's true I think across the country, there is a tradition of public service where
people are getting in it for the right reasons and to serve. But there is also a tradition where people
view politics as a business." Meanwhile, the Illinois governor has not said a word in public since Monday,
when he mocked the fact that his conversations were being recorded. So he remains the leader of the land
of Lincoln.
* in a row : 연속적으로, 잇따라, 일렬로
* resign : 사임[사직]하다, 퇴직하다
* embattled : 포위된, 곤경에 처한
* accusation : 비난
* haunt : ~을 괴롭히다
* lieutenant governor : 부지사
* impeach : 탄핵하다
* legislature : 《美》 주(州)의회
* session : 회기(개회로부터 폐회까지의 기간)
* mock : ~을 조롱하다, 비웃다

Posted by 클로버,,
♣영어♣/news2009. 1. 8. 13:36

 Successive waves of wintry weather gripped much of the country Saturday, frustrating holiday travelers
from coast to coast. "We are delayed. We had a 1:17 flight. We are delayed until three." "Two hour delay
here but we have been told that once we arrive in Chicago which is connecting flight that there is not
flight to Los Angeles." Dozens of flights were cancelled at Boston's Logan International airport and
hundreds of flights were delayed.

 An ice strom that left tens of thousands of New England residents without power earlier in the week is
still being felt. "That is New England. That is it." Residents are bracing themselves for another storm
Sunday that could bring 10 inches of snow or more to some parts of the northeast.

 On the opposite end of the country where icy road conditions led to this collision between two busses
Friday, blizzard warnings have gone into effect. High winds, snow and freezing rain began coating the
state Saturday. Meteorologist say western Washington including the Seattle area could see wind gusts
as high as 90 miles per hour.

Sandy Kozel, The Associated Press

* successive : 순서·간격에 관계 없이 그저 연속되는
* grip : 영향을 미치다, 잡다
* waves of wintry : 겨울의 한파
* from coast to coast :《美》 대서양 연안에서 태평양 연안까지; 전국에 걸쳐
* connecting flight : 비행기 연결편
* brace : 보강하다, 긴장시키다
* icy : 얼음으로 된, 얼음으로 뒤덮인, 얼음이 많은.
* blizzard : 눈보라, 폭설
* go[come] into effect : [조약,법령을]발효하다
                       : = take effect, become effective
* meteorologist : 기상학자
* gust : 돌풍 

Posted by 클로버,,